The park is open: 11:00 – 19:00 +9
The park is open: 11:00 – 19:00 +9

Visit rules

General Rules.

  1. The Rules for visiting the Theme Park «Sochi Park» (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001, Article No. 195-FZ, and the Law No. 2300-1 of the Russian Federation "On Consumer’s Rights Protection" of February 07, 1992 and determine the procedure, terms and conditions for servicing of visitors of the Theme Park “Sochi Park” (hereinafter referred to as the Park).
  2. These Rules are a public offer and contain all the essential terms of the service contract, thereby expressing the Contractor's intention to consider itself as having entered into an agreement with the Client / Visitor who will accept these Rules.
  3. JSC «Sochi-Park» assumes the rights and obligations of the Contractor, and the citizen who accepts the offer (responding with consent) assumes the rights of the Customer in accordance with these Rules under a service agreement. The subject of the agreement is the provision of services, if possible, to stay on the territory of the Park, to participate in leisure and entertainment activities, to use the equipment on the conditions established by this offer.
  4. These Rules are binding on all visitors to the Park without exception. The Administration of Sochi-Park JSC has the right to refuse to provide services to visitors who do not agree with the Rules and do not comply with the Rules for visiting the Park.
  5. The Contractor offers an unlimited number of people access to the Park under the terms of these rules. User is an individual who has accepted this offer and wants to get access to the services of the Park, in connection with which he/she acquires the rights and bears the obligations provided for by this offer. Acceptance of the terms of this offer is payment for services (purchase of a ticket). The user confirms by his acceptance that he is legally capable, capable and has the right to conclude an agreement on the provision of services, is familiar with these Rules, undertakes to comply with them until the end of the provision of services. The user who accepts this offer on behalf of his minor child guarantees constant control over his actions, including not allowing violation of these Rules, except in cases of childcare by the Contractor.
  6. The following concepts are used in the text of these Rules with the meaning adopted for the purpose of the offer.
    • The Park is a theme park of culture and recreation, located at the address: Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Adler District, Olimpiyskiy Ave., 21., which is a landscaped thematic fenced area, which includes play areas, play equipment, attractions, cafes. The use of play equipment requires physical activity as well. The park is not an object of physical culture and sports, an educational organization and is intended solely for leisure. Correct use and operation of equipment and facilities in no way creates a threat to the life and health of Visitors. The Park is intended for temporary stay of Visitors; the Park's operating mode does not provide for individual work with guests.
    • The Attraction is an amusement device installed in the Park, which creates an entertaining effect for Visitors due to psycho-emotional or biomechanical influences. Each attraction has a Safe Operation Rules.
    • The Safe Operation Rules are the restrictions established by the manufacturer or the Park Administration on the anthropometric and other data of the Visitor of the attraction/playground. These Rules are set for each attraction and are binding. These Rules are posted for the Guests' review in printed form on information stands in front of the Park entrance and published on the website , placed in printed form in front of each Park attraction.
    • The Park Administration is the officials of JSC «Sochi-Park» , authorized to make decisions in accordance with their job function (CEO, heads of structural divisions).).
    • The Park Employee is the Administrator, Senior Operator, Operator, Operator Assistant, etc., whose powers by virtue of Part 1 of Art. 182 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are evident from the situation. The Park Employee monitors and assists Visitors when passing through the turnstiles and gates of the Park, monitors the order in the Park and has the right to give generally binding instructions for Visitors, warn about the inadmissibility of violating the terms of this offer, take action against violators - up to the end of the provision of services with the requirement to leave the territory of the Park.
    • The Guest is a person wishing to visit the territory of JSC «Sochi-Park».
    • The Visitor is a Guest who has purchased a Ticket, Electronic Ticket, Combo Ticket, Fast pass Ticket or a Fixed-Term Pass and uses the services provided on the territory of the Park.
    • The Accompanying person is a parent or other legal representative (adoptive parent, guardian) of a child, or an adult (over 18 years old).
    • The Ticket offices of the Park are ticket offices and automatic ticket offices located in front of the entrance to the Park (the city of Sochi, Adler district, Imeretinskaya lowland, Olympic Avenue 21).
    • The Ticket is a document of the established form, confirming the right of the ticket holder to visit the Park within the operating hours according to the purchased tariff. It can be placed on different devices, such as a letterhead, key fob, bracelet, plastic card, watch, NFC tag, ring, etc. It can be purchased at ticket office, automatic ticket office, through an agent or through a website (electronic ticket).
    • The Season Ticket with a fixed period of validity is a document of the established form that gives the right to multiple visits to the Park during the established period of validity on any day of the Park's work according to the Park's work schedule. The validity of the Season Ticket begins from the day of receipt of the subscription at the ticket office of the Park, without the right to transfer to third parties.
    • The Fast pass ticket is a document of the established form, which gives the right to a one-day visit to the Park on the day of its purchase / receipt, allowing you to go to all operating attractions located in the fenced area of the Theme Park, bypassing the main queue. The Fast pass ticket holders enter the rides through a separate entrance marked with the appropriate sign. The Fast pass ticket is purchased out of turn at ticket offices of the Park, marked with a special sign.
    • The Service Price List is a list of prices for the services provided by the Park, published on the information stand and on the Website. There are different rates for individual, family, group and corporate visits. The user is obliged to study the Price List and accept the prices under the service agreement before accepting the offer.
    • The Website is a website on the Internet with the domain name and all subdomains that contain information about the consumer properties and features of the services provided, a description of the Park, photos, including from events, as well as announcements and other rules that are mandatory for Visitors.
    • The Contact center telephone line is a telephone line with the Park's information center at +7-800-100-3339.
    • The Turnstile is a specialized device installed at the entrance to the Park and/or in front of the attraction to pass the Guests who have a valid Ticket, Combo Ticket, Fast pass Ticket or Season Ticket with a fixed validity period. Visitors pass in turn.
    • The Gate is a specially equipped additional passage to the Park.
  7. The Park works according to the approved schedule. Visitors enter the Park no later than 30 minutes before the end of the work. The last ride on the amusement rides of the Park is carried out no later than 15 minutes before the closing of the Park. Visitors have the right to be in the Park only during the opening hours established by the Administration. Visitors are required to leave the Park after the end of the specified time. The administration reserves the right to change the time frame for visiting the Park. Visitors are notified of this through relevant announcements.
  8. The cost of visiting the Park is defined according to the current price list.
  9. The Administration has the right to stop the operation of certain attractions and/or gaming equipment, as well as parts of the gaming equipment in connection with technical or service maintenance, weather conditions.
  10. Access to the Park

    1. Access to the Park is carried out with a valid Ticket, Fast pass Ticket, Season Ticket with a fixed validity period by reading (activating) the encoded information by a Turnstile or the Gate.
    2. The Park Administration has the right to demand the presentation of documents confirming the preferential status when the Holders of the Ticket and Season Ticket with a fixed period of validity at the “Special”, “Family”, “Preferential” tariff pass through the Turnstile or the Gate.
    3. Visitors are photographed the first time they enter the Park in order to provide access and identification when re-entering the Park on the day of their visit. The number of passes through the Turnstiles and Gates of the Park (entrances and exits) with a valid Ticket within the day of visit is not limited.
    4. Buyers, owners and users of Tickets, Fast Pass Tickets, Season Tickets with a fixed period of validity confirm their agreement with the Rules for Visiting the Park, Rules for Safe Operation, Ticket Policy, Return Rules, which are posted on the Website and at the points of sale of the Park services.
    5. Holders of Tickets, Fast pass Tickets and Season Tickets with a fixed period of validity must keep them during the entire visit to the Park and undertake to present Tickets at the request of representatives of the Security Department for verification. If the requirement is not met, there may be a refusal to visit the Park and a request to leave the Park.
    6. Employees of the Security Department withdraw and annul without the right to restore Tickets, Fast Pass Tickets, Season Tickets with a fixed period of validity in case of revealing the fact of their transfer to a third party.
    7. The Park Administration reserves the right to deny the Guest a visit, demand to leave the Park territory, withdraw the entrance ticket, Fast Pass Ticket, Season Ticket with a fixed period of validity without refund in the following cases:
      • failure to comply with the Rules and Safe operation Rules of attraction and playgrounds;
      • violation of public order in the Park;
      • fraud when using Ticket, Fast Pass Ticket, Season Ticket with a fixed period of validity;
      • aggressive behavior disturbing the calmness of other guests of the Park;
      • illegal entry into the Park;
      • damage to property owned by JSC «Sochi-Park».
    8. The Park Administration reserves the right to inspect the personal belongings of the Guests using inspection equipment and equipment at the entrance to the Park. Guests of the Park are required to present their personal belongings for inspection by employees of a private security organization providing access control, in case of suspicion of prohibited items. If the Guest refuses to provide personal luggage and personal belongings for inspection, he is denied the right to access the Park. This condition is mandatory in order to exclude acts of terrorism and offenses with the use of weapons and dangerous objects. The park is a place of mass stay of people. The only way to maintain safety in the Park is the absence of prohibited items, which create an increased risk of injury to people.
    9. It is prohibited to carry and use on the territory of the Park:
      • weapons of any type, including items for self-defense, ammunition, piercing or cutting objects, other items that can be used as weapons; poisonous, chemical, poisonous and / or pungent-smelling substances, radioactive materials, flammable substances, explosives, and other dangerous items that may harm other Park Guests;
      • flammable and pyrotechnic substances and / or products, including signal flares, flares, firecrackers, gas cylinders, items (chemical materials) that can be used for the manufacture of pyrotechnic products or fumes, dyes, etc .;
      • propaganda materials of an extremist nature, materials containing Nazi or extremist attributes or symbols;
      • folding chairs, beach umbrellas, tents, sun loungers;
      • any alcoholic drinks, including beer;
      • narcotic and / or toxic substances;
      • any items that outwardly resemble prohibited items or their copies and analogues;
      • devices with laser radiation;
      • devices that generate unnecessary noise, including vuvuzela, drum, whistle, horn, hunting horn, music players and instruments;
      • bulky items that can cause inconvenience to other Guests of the Park, harm their health, damage property or interfere with the operational work of the Park;
      • suitcases, bulky travel bags and cases;
      • balloons / figures filled with helium / other gas lighter than air, which can have a negative impact on the operation of attractions;
      • graffiti paints, markers, etc .;
      • glass items, containers or bottles;
      • clothes with spikes, jewelry (if they are bulky, with sharp edges or spikes, and / or may pose a threat to the safety of the Guests of the Park);
      • ski equipment;
      • any self-propelled means of transportation, including a bicycle, hoverboard, skateboard, electric unicycle, roller skates, motorcycle, golf cart, scooter (including electric self-balancing scooters with two or three wheels (eg Segway brand)). The exception is baby carriages, wheelchairs for people with disabilities;
      • sports and play equipment that may pose a threat to the safety of Visitors and Park Employees, including stilts, Nordic walking sticks, spring-loaded shoes, balls, frisbee;
      • television equipment, professional photo and video equipment (lighting equipment, sound equipment, microphones, tripods) without prior agreement with the Park Administration;
    10. It is forbidden for guests to be in the Park outside of the Park's working hours.
    11. Guests must wear protective masks (textile/medical) that cover their mouth and nose during the period of mandatory wearing of a mask. It is prohibited to enter and stay in the Park without a protective mask (including all rooms where there is a queue). Scarves and shawls are not allowed as a replacement for a mask. Guests are required to maintain a social distance of at least 1.5 meters at the entrance to the Park and throughout its territory. A gathering of more than three people is prohibited, with the exception of a family or team.The entrance to the park may be temporarily suspended in case of a large number of visitors. If a visitor has been in contact with an infected COVID-19 in the past 14 days or has symptoms of ARVI/ high fever, then the visitor should not visit the park. Park staff measure the body temperature of each guest using a non-contact thermometer at the park entrance. Admission to the park will be limited in the event of an elevated body temperature and/or signs of ARVI.
    12. Disabled guests and/or guests requiring supervision (for example, wheelchair users) can visit the Park only with an Accompanying Person.
    13. It is forbidden to admit persons in a state of alcoholic, narcotic, toxic and/or other intoxication into the park.
    14. Guests are from 107.01 cm to 140cm can visit the Park at the rate "Children" with an Accompanying Person who has a valid Ticket or Season Tickets with a fixed period of validity.
    15. The control measurement of the Visitor's height is made in shoes at the time of the visit.
    16. Guests can enter the park with animals (dogs, cats, etc.) in an exceptional case, if the Guest is holding the animal in his arms or in a special basket. A visit to the park with animals must be agreed with the Park Administration. Walking of animals is prohibited on the territory of the Park. The Park Administration reserves the right to demand to leave the Park without refunding the cost of tickets in case of violation.
    17. The Park Administration has the right to suspend the sale and admission of the owners of Tickets, Fast Pass Tickets, Season Tickets with a fixed validity for an indefinite period, in order to ensure the safety and comfortable rest of its Visitors. The Park Administration notifies the Guests about this at the ticket offices and in the Park's social networks.
    18. Rules for safe behavior in the Park

      1. Visitors of the Park understand and accept the risks associated with visiting the Park. Visitors are responsible for their own safety and the children they accompany in the Park.
      2. The Park is not responsible for damage to health caused to the Guest or received by the Guest as a result of careless or imprudent arrogant actions of the Guest himself..
      3. Video surveillance is conducted in the Park to ensure security. The Park Administration reserves the right to remove from the Park Visitors who pose a threat to the safety of other Visitors and Park Employees. Compensation for the cost of Tickets, Fast Pass Tickets, Season Tickets with a fixed validity is not performed.
      4. Guests and Visitors to the Park agree that any recording made with their participation and made to ensure general safety, may be used and reported to the police. This recording is used for security purposes and during procedural proceedings under applicable law.
      5. Guests and Visitors of the Park accept and agree that their photos and/or video images obtained during their visit to the Park can be made public and used by the Park. The methods of use are video, live or recorded broadcast, photography, other information technologies and / or technologies that will exist in the future.
      6. Guests can take photos and videos while visiting the park, but only for private home use. Video filming can only be done using household video cameras or personal smartphones. The Guest / Visitor cannot use videos for commercial purposes (including on the Internet) and transfer them to third parties for commercial purposes. Commercial photography and video filming of any nature is strictly prohibited, except in cases of prior written permission signed by the Park Administration.
      7. Information on the timing of shows and events throughout the day, the operation of all attractions and the provision of services can be found on the Website. Guests and Visitors can clarify information by calling the contact center, from the information center staff and at the ticket offices of the Park.
      8. Guests and Visitors of the Park must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, public order and generally accepted standards of conduct. Guests and Visitors of the Park must behave respectfully towards other Guests, employees of the Park, persons responsible for maintaining order. Guests and Visitors of the Park must not allow actions that create a danger to others, take care of the property of the Park and other persons, and maintain cleanliness. Any behavior of the Guests that creates a socially dangerous situation, endangers the safety of others, interferes with the operational work of the Park, is prohibited and may result in a denial of the right to enter the Park or removal from the Park.
      9. The Visitor is obliged to compensate for the material damage caused in case of damage to the property of the Park (including green spaces).
      10. Smoking is strictly prohibited throughout the Park in accordance with article 12, clause 1.3 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No.15-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2018 "On Protecting the Health of Citizens from the Effects of Second Hand Tobacco Smoke and the Consequences of Tobacco Consumption".
      11. Guests should be careful and keep track of their personal belongings while visiting the Park. The Park Administration is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of personal belongings of the Park Guests.
      12. The Park Administration reserves the right to organize, plan, restrict and close access to the Park and its zones. The Park Administration has the right to temporarily / permanently close the zones, objects of the Park, to completely close the Park for technical reasons, due to weather conditions, for security purposes or for work. Park staff may suspend attractions during the day for safety, maintenance or adverse weather conditions.These conditions do not give the right to a refund of the ticket price or change the date of its validity.
      13. Swimming in lakes, fountains, and other water bodies of the Park is prohibited.
      14. It is prohibited to be in the Park in bathing suits, swimming trunks, barefoot or with a naked torso, with the exception of the water area or water play facilities.
      15. It is forbidden to carry out trade and other types of commercial activities in the Park without the consent of the Park Administration.
      16. It is prohibited to distribute printed publications and materials, display, distribute or promote any advertising materials, samples of goods or services, or any other type of product in the Park.
      17. It is prohibited to post unauthorized advertising materials, organize advertising and promotions, use logos and other elements of the brand and/or trademarks of Sochi-Park JS without prior agreement with the Park Administration, and other similar actions.
      18. It is prohibited to engage in political and religious propaganda.
      19. It is prohibited to use radio electronic means and high-frequency devices in operating modes that do not comply with the permits.
      20. It is prohibited to collect and eat fruits and berries that grow on trees and shrubs in the Park.
      21. It is forbidden to use radio-controlled models of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Park, above the Park and around the territory for photographing or other purposes (unless the user has written permission for a specific instance of the aircraft from the Park Administration). Violators will be immediately removed from the Park without refund of the Ticket value. Violators may be referred to law enforcement agencies for further investigation. Drones pose a great danger to the operation of attractions, the Park, Guests and Park Staff. The use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Park, above the Park or around the territory constitutes illegal crossing of the Park's boundaries, interference with the privacy of the Park and interfering with the operations of the Park.
      22. It is forbidden to climb trees, small architectural elements, poles, wires, attraction fences, etc.
      23. It is forbidden to lean, sit or jump on fences, railings and other architectural elements. This could damage the private property of the Park and could result in injury.
      24. Guests and Visitors of the Park are prohibited from entering the areas marked with prohibitive signs (including signs with the words "ENTRANCE FOR PERSONNEL", "ENTRY FORBIDDEN", ​​"DANGEROUS"). Violation may result in denial of the right to enter the Park or removal from the Park without reimbursement of funds spent on visiting the Park.
      25. Guests and Visitors of the Park are not allowed to visit such premises as cross rooms, switchboards, office premises, warehouses and other service premises. Violation may result in denial of the right to enter the Park or removal from the Park without reimbursement of funds spent on visiting the Park.
      26. It is prohibited vulgar or offensive tattoos that are not covered by clothing. Statements or inscriptions on clothes and body that include swear words, images of naked people, violence are prohibited. Racial and religious slogans calling for violence or hatred are prohibited.
      27. It is prohibited to hold performances in the Park that are not related to the activities of the Park (including political meetings, fundraising, organized group religious performances and / or rituals, demonstrations, training classes, athletic training, uncoordinated commercial events, protests anywhere in the Park or in the adjacent territory). These performances may interfere with the operations of the Park, the movement of the Guests in any area of ​​the Park, or will interfere with the safety of the Guests and the Park Staff.
      28. It is not recommended to run in the Park, as this leads to collisions, which can cause injury.
      29. Some places may have wet and slippery surfaces. Be careful and attentive.
      30. Rules for visiting the attractions of the Park

        1. The last ride on the attractions is carried out no later than 15 minutes before the closing of the Park.
        2. Each Guest assesses their abilities and health status independently before riding the attraction.
        3. The Park Administration prohibits riding on rides and participating in other activities if the Visitor is under the influence of alcohol, medications and/or other substances that may affect his health or affect his senses, body reflexes and movement coordination.
        4. The Park Administration prohibits riding the attractions, taking part in other activities if there are contraindications for health or injury, chronic diseases, if there is a fear of riding. Riding on the attractions is prohibited if there are diseases of the heart, nervous system, back, neck, joints, bones, muscle diseases, brain, eyes, other ailments, previous surgery. Only the Guest can determine their condition for safe participation in the ride on the attractions. If the operator cannot identify contraindications visually, the Guest independently takes all risks for health reasons, making a decision about renting on attractions or participating in any activity of the Park.
        5. Pregnant women are not allowed to ride the attractions for health safety reasons.
        6. Persons with disabilities who are unable to ride the attraction on their own are not allowed on the attraction for health reasons.
        7. Each Guest of the Park is obliged to comply with the Rules for Safe Operation during rental on attractions. Guests are obliged to familiarize themselves with them and observe all warning signs, pictograms, instructions of the Park Employees serving the attraction, recorded safety messages broadcast over the speakerphone. All rides are technical equipment that can cause harm if misused.
        8. The Park informs the Guests about the possible risks, the Guest makes a decision. The Guest must act responsibly for his own health and safety and for the safety of other Guests of the Park. If you feel that you need medical attention, immediately inform any staff member of the Park.
        9. If the guest is denied a ride on one or more attractions due to non-compliance with the restrictions of the Safe Operation Rules of the attraction (including anthropometric data), the ticket price is not refundable.
        10. Guests of the Park must comply with the Rules for Visitors to Attractions / Playgrounds and follow the instructions of the operators of attractions.
        11. The visitor should study how the ride on the attraction is carried out, evaluate the possible loads and overloads during riding, see how boarding and disembarking from the attraction goes before riding the attraction. You can ask questions to the employee of the Park, who maintains a particular attraction.
        12. If the Guest makes a decision to ride on the attraction, the Guest bear whole risk of deterioration of his/her health.
        13. It is forbidden to take personal items with you that may cause injury, may be damaged or lost on the attraction while riding. Things must be left to accompanying persons or in special cells for storing personal belongings before going to the attraction. Prohibited items may include the following objects (depending on the attraction): any hats, scarves, long belts, high heels, loose shoes, wigs, wallets, bags, backpacks, pieces of torn cloth on clothes, jewelry in the form of chains, beads etc. (the list is not limited to just these items). The Park is not responsible for theft, loss or damage to personal belongings. Paid lockers for storing valuables are available on the territory of the Park, they are located near the Information Center.
        14. Wearing loose or poorly fitted shoes in the Park (including high-heeled shoes, slippers, clogs, sandals) may endanger the Guest and / or people around him in a crowded place and may result in a refusal to ride some attractions.
        15. It is forbidden to get up, change the settings of restraints, latches, locks, etc. while riding, take photos, video with any mobile devices, photo and video cameras while riding.
        16. Visitors must take turns to go to the attraction. It is forbidden to bypass the queue when entering the attraction, this may result in a refusal to ride.
        17. It is forbidden to take a queue in order to transfer it to other Visitors. Each visitor takes a queue only for himself.
        18. Passengers are required to leave the attraction area after the end of the ride. The visitor should queue up to re-ride the attraction.
        19. Holders of Fast Pass tickets have the right to use the services of attractions on a separate passage to the boarding area, indicated by the appropriate sign. Holders of the Fast Pass ticket must wear it in a conspicuous place to identify the Guest by the operators of the attractions. Holders of the Fast Pass tickets are served first before boarding. Holders of the Fast Pass ticket must leave the attraction after riding. Holders of this ticket should proceed to the boarding area marked with the appropriate sign to re-ride.
        20. Weather conditions

          1. The weather can make its own adjustments to the work of the Park and cause accidents, pose a threat to the Guests of the Park. If the weather is hot and stuffy, Guests should make a decision about choosing a comfortable time to visit the Park. We strongly recommend:
            • drink more water and / or other drinks;
            • avoid direct sunlight;
            • wear hats;
            • use sunscreen on exposed areas of the body;
            • spend more time in shady areas or air-conditioned rooms.
          2. Wet weather (rain, high humidity, fog) can cause slippery surfaces. We strongly recommend:
            • be neat on the steps at the exit and at the entrance to attractions, hold on to the railing;
            • do not step into puddles and / or streams of water;
            • take additional protection measures (raincoat, umbrella, etc.).

            Stay of children in the Park

            1. Guests from 107.01 cm to 140 cm in height can use the "Children" rate and visit the park with an Accompanying Person who has a valid Ticket or Season Ticket with a fixed period.
            2. The Park Administration does not recommend that persons under 18 years of age stay in the Park without an Accompanying Person. 6.3. The Park is not responsible for underage children left unattended.
            3. The behavior of children in the Park is the responsibility of the Accompanying Persons. Accompanying persons are legally responsible for the actions that children take in the Park. Make sure that your children act in accordance with the Rules for Visiting the Park during their stay in the Park.
            4. The Park Administration recommends explaining to the child the procedure in case he loses the Accompanying Person and to determine the meeting point in the Park territory before visiting the Park.
            5. If the Accompanying Person has lost the location of a minor child, the Guest must immediately inform the Park staff about it.
            6. Final rules

              1. The Park Administration has the right to make changes to these Rules unilaterally. Changes come into force from the date of publication of the Rules on the official website
              2. The Administration of the Park has the right to change the opening hours of the Park and the time of its closure, to temporarily restrict access to attractions in case of worsening weather conditions. Such facts are not grounds for refunding money and / or changing the date of visiting the Park using Tickets activated by the fact of passing through the Turnstile or the Park Gate.
              3. These Rules are governed by the rules of Russian law. Any disputes arising from legal relations governed by these Rules are subject to resolution in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
              4. The Park Administration reserves the right to change the Tariffs, terms and conditions of marketing campaigns, as well as the right to completely stop ticket sales without prior notice.
              5. The Guest can get all the necessary and up-to-date information by calling the contact center 8 800 100 3339.
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A control measurement of the Visitor's height is made at the time of visiting the Park in shoes. Entrance for children under 107 cm in height is free
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