Spring Break Poster

Street animation "Spring mood"
11:00, 12:30
Alley of Lights
The warmest days of spring. All the birds have already arrived, their trills can be heard in Sochi Park, and this is a great reason to get to know them better. This is an interactive photo animation where guests will meet the fabulous residents of the park and will be able to take spring photos with themed props.

Excursions to the Atomarium
Tue - Sun 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00
Mon 14:00, 15:30, 17:00
Land of Science and Fiction, Atomarium
An excursion to the scientific Wonderland. "Any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," said science fiction writer Arthur C. Clark, and he was right – the real magic of science awaits you in the Atomarium.

Street music animation "Spring Beat"
11:30, 14:00, 15:30
Alley of Lights and Land of Science and Fiction
Incendiary beats and interactivity, the use of musical props, where every guest will be able to become a part of this loud performance. Rhythmic, percussive drum sounds will attract attention and involve kids and adults in the musical process.

Soap bubble show "Magic Bubble"
12:00, 15:00
Land of Science and Fiction
The Sea Princess is a master of soap bubbles. She dreams of decorating the world with soap miracles more than anyone else in the world. This time, the story will connect your favorite characters with an interesting plot, where the fabulous trolls Truffle and Talker will ask the Sea Princess to teach them soap art.

Interactive entertainment program "Baba Yaga's Secret recipe!"
12:00, 15:00
Enchanted Forest, South Residence of Baba Yaga
The Sea Princess wonders all the time where Baba Yaga got so much strength and energy at her age. Baba Yaga is not an easy old lady, she knows many secrets and one of them is a recipe for youth, which she will be happy to share with the guests of Sochi Park.

Interactive entertainment program "On a visit to grandma!"
Enchanted Forest, South Residence of Baba Yaga
Everyone who comes to visit Baba Yaga gets a charge of emotions for the whole day. A game program, meetings with your favorite characters and, of course, photos. Not only vacationers come to visit grandma, but also fabulous residents of the Enchanted Forest, whom you can see at Baba Yaga's Southern residence.

Entertainment program "Fabulous Tournament"
13:30, 16:30
Land of Science and Fiction
Every spring, the fabulous world of Sochi Park is looking for the best of the best kind fellows. You can take tests of strength and dexterity, accuracy and erudition at a fabulous tournament that will be held in Sochi Park during the day. This is an entertainment program where the Tsarevich brothers will be the presenters.

Dolphin show
13:30, 16:30
Kid's Zone, Dolphinarium
Black Sea bottlenose dolphins participate in the program. Exciting jumps, synchronized swimming, naughty games, riding a coach on his back – these and other tricks delight viewers of all ages every time.
Buy a ticket online

Visiting Sochi Park for guests with a height of 107.1 cm. The price includes a discount of 100 rubles.
We give a 50% discount on the tariff of the "The Races of the Warriors" attraction "5 Lap Races" and a 50% discount on visiting the Medvediya kids center (services are provided in a complementary way)
The number of tickets is limited.
Only 1 person can use the ticket without transferring the ticket to third parties.

Visit to Sochi Park 2 days in a row for guests with a height of 107.1 cm and above
We give 1 lap of riding on the "The Wheel of Time" attraction (Ferris wheel), a 50% discount on the tariff of the "The Races of the Warriors" attraction "Races of 5 laps", as well as a 50% discount on visiting the Medvediya kids center. The services are provided in a complementary manner.
The number of tickets is limited.
Only 1 person can use the ticket without transferring the ticket to third parties.